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Travel Abroad without Visa, Visa Free Countries List for Pakistani Passport.

Visa free Countries for Pakistani Passport

Pakistan is one of the best countries in world in terms of its beautiful landscapes, traditions, culture and music. Every year thousands of tourists visit Pakistan to explore its beauty. For last two decades, Pakistan faced an immense challenge of terrorism and instability due to regional foreign policies. Although within last 3 years Pakistan Army had completely overcome the giant of terrorism and now again Pakistan is safe for international visitors. Due to peace reconciliation in Northern Areas of Pakistan and Karachi, number of tourists in that places among citizens of Pakistan and foreign tourists increasing day by day. I’ll also suggest you to visit Pakistan before making plan to visit another country. In this article, I’m sharing some countries which allowed Pakistani passport holders to come without visa or some are offering visa on arrival.
Here is a list of those countries which allowed you (if you are Pakistani) to visit them without visa:
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Visa free Countries for Pakistani Passport


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